• Septic systems are a type of onsite sewage treatment facility. The term "septic" refers to the anaerobic bacterial environment that develops in the tank which decomposes the waste discharged into the tank. Often times these necessary bacteria populations are depleted or eliminated due to bleach, or other harsh chemicals used in the home. Septic Aid™ releases millions of beneficial bacteria into your septic system. These bacteria enhance the natural populations and replace those bacteria lost to antimicrobial hand soaps and chemicals dispensed from the home. These bacteria also digest excessive concentrations sludge and scum that may otherwise accumulate and cause a septic system to fail. Unlike other products on the market which require direct application in the septic tank.
  • The largest cause of drain line blockages and problems is hair, grease, sugars, starches and other organic substances that clog drains. GES Plus™ Biological Drain Treatment will eliminate these accumulations in the drainage system and reduce costly back-ups. Live naturally occurring bacteria and enzymes use the Power of Mother Nature to remove drain blockages naturally.


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