Grease Traps

As part of our Grease Eradication Service, grease traps and/or interceptors are important and need to have the correct up- keep to ensure they function correctly. With the right program EB can ensure that your facilities are in their most optimum operational capacity.

Environmental Biotech’s Grease Trap program ensures regular cleaning, pumping out and odorizing whenever required. Over time if you use our Grease Eradication Service, you should experience fewer and fewer problems with grease.

Grease trap odors are nasty and can be a health and safety nuisance. Proper maintenance, sealing and de-odorizing means a happy crew and a properly functioning system. Our odor control solutions cover grease trap odors inside or outside the facility.

Currently operated traps and oil program ensure limited vermin, reduction of potential germs and other unseen issues affecting a sites operation.

Keep staff and customers SAFE from the unknown!!

For service and managing your grease traps– see or for franchising see

Design and Installation

Environmental Biotech will work with the client to design and install the correct size grease trap required for the proper handling of grease.

The capacity of the grease trap is key if the trap is actually going to function properly to separate grease and hold it, which is the function of a grease trap.

Today many grease traps installed in restaurants etc are ineffective either due to size or improper cleaning and maintenance of the unit as recommended by the manufacturers.

Whatever your needs, EB will provide you the right program to handle grease in your organisation.

We will even work with you on a solids program to ensure solids stay out of the drainage system.